
Tuesday 24 December 2013


HP may release two smartphones for in 2014

If the prospect of an HP smartphone excites you, there might be good news. Sources tell The Information that HP is indeed working on two larger devices — 6-inch and 7-inch offerings. Unlike their other forays into Android, these are alleged to be actual smartphones, replete with cellular radios and all the fun stuff that makes mobile devices mobile.

If you’re remembering a vague report that HP promised they’d stay away from smartphones, you are onto something, but just a hair off. CEO Meg Whitman noted that they’d have no smartphones for 2013, but didn’t swear if off altogether. In fact, Whitman said in an interview it would be crucial for them to offer a smartphone at some point. As we close out 2013, both points remain true to form.
Sadly, the devices are said to be aimed at emerging markets, most pointedly the Phillipines, China, and India. Happily for those crowds, they’re said to be offered off contract, at around $200-250. While we like the aim here, we’re not confident in the execution. HP isn’t exactly great at building low-end devices, as is evident by their recent Chromebook offerings.
What we do hope is that this leads to a bit of a resurgence for HP, and they get the necessary boost to mount a bit of a comeback. Long a PC mainstay, the increased move toward mobile is an important one for HP to finally get on board with. If they can find a way to mount their enterprise muscle behind some smartphone hustle, look out.

VIA: The Verge

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