Earlier this year, Apple made headlines with its 64-bit SoC for the iPhone 5S. That SoC is now present in the iPad Air and the new iPad
Mini Retina. Since the launch of the iPhone 5S, we've been hearing talk
of a 64-bit Exynos from Samsung. Now ARM has confirmed that the chip is
coming. The Korea Herald cites a senior manager at ARM as saying
executives from Samsung and ARM met this week and discussed the ARM
64-bit chip expected to be used in a Samsung device next year.
it's not an official confirmation, rumors of a 64-bit Samsung device
have been doing the rounds for a while. Word on the street is that the
Galaxy S5 will include a 64-bit processor. No doubt if Samsung does
include the 64-bit Exynos in the S5, we'll also see it in the next
iteration of Galaxy Note as well.
Of course, with the rate at
which mobile technology is evolving, it's hard to think about what's
next without thinking about what's going to come in the future. To that
end, it sounds like ARM is already considering a 128-bit processor.
According to the KoreaTimes' ARM official, such a chip could hit the
market in the next two years, but it's not set in stone
For more: www.tomshardware.com
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